Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Komik Naruto 574 Bahasa Indonesia

Komik Naruto 574 Bahasa Indonesia


Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Cara Menghasilkan Uang Dari Internet

=Make Money Making MySpace Backgrounds
They are all over the internet, those ad for MySpace background! And that means only one thing, there
is a market for MySpace backgrounds! Creating MySpace backgrounds isn’t that hard. But, most
users don’t have the time to do it or are simply lazy. You can provide them with this service and
customize their MySpace pages, and charge a fee for doing so. What place better to advertise your
service, than MySpace itself?….

=Make Money with a Niche Directory
You have seen those directory sites that have a list of specific sites in different categories. Set up one
for yourself. Gather a list of site and sources related to a specific niche, and list them on your site.
Sell ad space to other webmasters. You can charge a monthly fee to have their ads shown on your
site. is a good place to look for potential customers.

=Get Paid to Search
Search engines are big money makers. No wonder every day new search engines pup up
everywhere. But since they are not as big as Google and yahoo and some other engines, they pay
you to use their site to search. Basically their sharing their earnings from their advertisers with you.

=Making Money with Affiliate Programs
This is by far the best way to make money online, at least in my opinion. You are basically selling
other people’s stuff for a commission. You can find digital products like e-books and short reports to
promote on sites like ClickBank and PayDotcom. Affiliate Marketing for beginners

=Get paid to search
Make Extra Money Making Photo Mosaics
If you can make photo mosaics, set up a website and offer your Photo Mosaics service. You will be
surprised how many people pay for these things.

=Work as a Virtual Assistant
Its becoming very popular, as more and more online based businesses are born every day. People
use virtual assistant for research, finding things, doing time consuming tasks, making phone calls
and etc. Setup a free blog or site to offer your service.

=Make Money Hosting Online Forums
Use softwares like SebFlipper to host hundreds of separate forums from a single web server. Make
money by charging people to host a forum with you, or offer it for free, but show your ads on their
forums and make money that way.

=Get Paid To Install Applications
Most People have problem with installing different kinds of applications. If you are good at installing a
particular app or a software, why not make some money while helping others?

=Get Paid To Answer Questions
If you have knowledge about something (which you do, everybody knows about something that others
may not know), put it to work for you. There are many websites that you can offer your expertise and
knowledge in exchange for money. 11 Site To Give Advice & Answers For Money. Get paid to answer

=Pod Casting
Think of it as a voice or video blogging. Talk about interesting topic and make money from ads
shown. If you are a good speaker, provide useful information and have a nice voice, its not that hard
to get hundreds of subscribers. You can use free sites like to turn your blog into a

Senin, 27 September 2010

Blogger Templates

Blogger Templates adalah situs blog yang menyediakan layanan template gratis untuk digunakan pada blogger.

dalam optimasi blog atau mempercantik blog pastinya kita butuh yang namanya template sebagai solusi awal untuk menajadikan blog kita lebih bagus,,,

langsung saja dicobain sob,,,


Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Blogku Adalah Ladang Uangku

Blogku adalah ladang uangku ini menginspirasikan pada blogger untuk memanfaatkan blognya sebagai sumber penghasil uang. Ini bisa dijadikan sebagai kerjaan sambilan untuk menambah uang saku atau uang jajan.
Blog adalah sebagai media belajar di dunia maya namun blog juga bisa digunakan sebagai sumber penghasil uang yang akan sangat menguntungkan dan menambah semangat para blogger untuk tetap ngeblog sehingga kita bisa menjadikan Blogku adalah ladang uangku sebagai semboyan para blogger sejati.

Di dunia maya banyak sekali bisnis online salah satunya adalah System Machine yaitu mesin pengumpul uang dari internet yang menurut saya sangat tidak baik dan tidak layak untuk dicoba. Maka dari itu Blogku adalah ladang uangku adalah tips yang paling cocok untuk menghasilkan uang dari internet.

Bagaimanakan mengubah blog kita menjadi uang??..mungkin bagi sebagian orang sudah banyak yang lihai atau cakap dalam memanfaatkan blog sebagai penghasil uang dari internet. Bagi sobat blog yang masih bingung silahkan pelajari caranya di forum Sebenarnya masih banyak blog-blog atau forum yang menulis postingan tentang bagaimana mengubah blog kita menjadi sumber mata uang tetapi saya merekomendasikan*untuk belajar di Frisnanda Blog karena disana juga terdapat Free Articels Directory.

nah sekarang mari kita belajar membuat blog kita sebagai penghasil uang dari internet seperti yang telah dituliskan di atas yaitu Blogku Adalah Ladang Uangku